CKU Hospital - Full Body Check

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¿How to prepare ourselves before the full body check?

Here we will guide you before going to the CKU Hospital

1st: Prepare your ID card and go to the Healthcare center located in the 2nd floor.
2nd: Avoid alcohol, overwork, and excessive exercise the day before the examination.
3rd: Please do not take any drug including cold medicines, painkillers, herbal medicines, etc. From 7 days before your physical examination. (Drug ingridients may affect test results)
4th: Start fasting from 9PM the day before the examination. (Do not consume water, gum, smoking, medicine, Eudan, etc.) Particularly, medicine for diabetes insulin or oral medicine to prevent hypoglycemia.

¿What is included in the full body check?

Body Measurements, Blood test, Piss test, Ophthalmology (CHECK), Hearing ability (CHECK), Ultrasound, Cardiovascular (CHECK), Respiratory system (CHECK), Female (SPECIFIC TESTS), Nutritional counseling, Results consultation (VISIT).

*In the event of detectinng abnormal findings or suspending judgement on the results of the examination, you need to be retest or treated*

CKU Hospital Address

25, Simgok-ro 100beongil, Seo-gu, Incheon, Catholic Kwandong University International St. Mary's Hospital (인천광역시 서구 심곡로 100번길 25 가톨릭관동대 국제성모병원)

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Let's prioritize our health! Don't hesitate to contact us for more information.